Tuesday, January 29, 2019



Part 1
4-5 minutes
Introduction and questions on familiar topic areas such as work, study, hobbies, holidays

Part 2
3-4 minutes
2 minute talk on a familiar topic

Part 3
4-5 minutes
Two-way discussion on issues related to the topic in part 2

Monday, January 28, 2019



IELTS writing is the module that many students find the most difficult.

This is because in a short space of time (one hour) you have to write an essay and a graph (academic module) or a letter (general training module).

The IELTS writing module varies depending on whether you are doing the Academic Test (for university applications) or the General Test (usually for work / general migration).

In IELTS Academic you have to describe a graph or diagram (Task 1) and write an essay (Task 2).

In IELTS General Training you have to write a letter (Task 1) and write an essay (Task 2).
The Task 2 (essay) is actually worth more marks than the Task 1 (graph or letter) so you should spend 40 minutes of the time on the essay and 20 minutes on the graph / letter.

This difference in marking is represented in the number of words you have to write, which is a minimum of 150 for the Task 1 and 250 for the Task 2.




Repeat the question in your own words.

  • In the essay introduction, you should start by repeating the question. This does NOT mean that you should COPY the question.
  • You should say the question again, but using different words that mean the same thing (synonyms).
Give your opinion

  • As soon as you have restated the question, then give your opinion on the subject.
  • This gives the examiner an overview of what is to come in your essay.


  • Now that you have given your opinion, you need to back it up.
  • The best way to do this is to give examples.
  • You can begin this paragraph with phrases like:
  1. Personally, I believe that...
  2. From my point of view...
  3. I am convinced that...
  4. In my opinion...
  5. In my view...


  • In your next paragraph, you should look at the question from the opposite viewpoint to yours.
  • This shows the examiner that you have balance in your writing.
  • You can start this paragraph with phrases such as:
  1. It can also be argued that...
  2. Someone who held the opposing view would say that...
  3. However, there is also another side to this discussion.
  4. In contrast, some people hold the view that...


  • To finish off your IELTS task 2 essay, you need to summarise your whole argument as a conclusion.
  • Meaning that you give your opinion again that you stated in the introduction.
  • To prove to the IELTS examiner that you have a good command of English vocabulary you should try again to use synonyms and not just copy your previous sentence. Now, you can add your expanded arguments (from step 2) into your opinion.

Friday, January 25, 2019



Question Type - Agree Disagree 

Society would benefit from a complete ban on all forms of advertisement. 
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
You should write at least 250 words.

Popular events like the Football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tension and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
You should write at least 250 words.

As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
You should write at least 250 words.

Question Type - Advantages Disadvantages 

Some people advocate death penalty for those who committed violent crimes. Others say that capital punishment is unacceptable in contemporary society.
Describe advantages and disadvantages of death penalty and give your opinion.
Write at least 250 words

In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. 
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Around the world, children learn English as a second language at school. However, in some places, they also learn at kindergarten (pre-school care, when children are aged two to five).
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of learning English at kindergarten.
Provide reasons for your answer. Include relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Question Type - Outline Cause 

Modern children are suffering from the diseases that were once considered to be meant for adults only. Obesity is a major disease prevalent among children. 
What are its causes and what solutions can be offered?
You should write at least 250 words.

Despite a large number of gyms, a sedentary lifestyle is gaining popularity in the contemporary world.
What problems are associated with this?
What solutions can you suggest?
Write at least 250 words

Some students work while studying. This often results in lacking time for education and constantly feeling under pressure.
What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?
Write at least 250 words

Question Type - Outline Solution 

Despite health warnings, a large number of people continue to smoke all over the world.
Why should we be concerned about this?
What solutions would you suggest?
Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

The birth rate in most developed countries is predicted to begin to fall over the next 50 years. By 2030 it is estimated that over one third of the population in most developed countries will be aged 65 and over:
What effects will these predictions have on developed countries if they prove true? What can be done now to deal with this situation?
Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Problems with environmental pollution have become so serious that many countries are trying to solve these problems.
Suggest possible solutions and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019



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Thursday, January 17, 2019


The common question types in General Task 1 are as following:

  • Personal Correspondence
  • Provide Information
  • Express Needs and Wants
  • Express Opinions
1) Write a letter to a friend expressing your interest to seek employment in a different country. Your letter should include:

  • Why you want to work in a different country
  • What type of work you will be looking for
  • Questions you have about working in a different country that your friend may be able to answer
  • You should write at least 150 words.
2) You have recently started work in a new company.

Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In your letter,
  • explain why you changed jobs
  • describe your new job
  • tell him/her your other news
Write at least 150 words.

3)  Last month you had a holiday overseas where you stayed with some friends. They have just sent you some photos of your holiday.

Write a letter to your friends. In your letter:
  • thank them for the photos and for the holiday
  • explain why you didn't write earlier
  • invite them to come and stay with you
Write at least 150 words.

4) You are a current student of Loren Brusque University, studying Business Administration. You want to apply for the post of Quality Assurance Manager you have recently seen on the university's notice board. 

Write a letter to Mr. Walker, and
  • Give your reason for writing
  • Tell about your education
  • Describe your work experience and explain why you would be suitable for the job.
Write at least 150 words.

5)An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region and has written asking for information and advice. 

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,
  • offer to find somewhere to stay
  • give advice about what to do
  • give information about what clothes to bring
Write at least 150 words.

6) Finding it hard to remember important facts and figures? Improve your memory in 10 weeks with our Memory Course. Places are limited and the course is available for only a short time.

Apply in writing to: abc

You see the above advertisement for a course designed to help improve your memory. Write a letter to the organiser of the course. In the letter
  • give some background information about yourself
  • explain your own problems and why you would like to do the course
  • enquire about the methods used on the course
  • enquire about course fees and dates
You should write at least 150 words. You do not need to write any addresses.

7) You are preparing an event in the countryside. Write a letter to your friend and ask for help with the arrangements. In your letter include:
  • what the event is
  • why the event is being held
  • what arrangements have already been made
  • how your friend can help
You should write at least 150 words.

8) Write a letter to a manufacturer to ask them to arrange production of a new item for you. Please say
  • What item do you need?
  • Why do you need it?
You should write at least 150 words.

9) You are going on a short training course at a college in Sydney, Australia. You need somewhere to live while you are there.

Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college. 

In your letter:
  • explain your situation
  • describe the accommodation you require
  • say when you will need it
Write at least 150 words.

10)  You are going on a short training course at a college in Sydney, Australia. You need somewhere to live while you are there.

Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college. 

In your letter:
  • explain your situation
  • describe the accommodation you require
  • say when you will need it
Write at least 150 words.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019



2019-01-10: Part 2 (Israel)
Talk about a friend who accomplished something you are proud of.

You should say:
who your friend is
what he or she accomplished
what he or she did
how you felt after he or she accomplished.

2019-01-10: Part 3
Are people more active today? Why?
Do you think people should only focus in work?
Do you think people spend most of their time at work?
Should parents plan activities for their children? And why?
Do you think the activities of this generation is different than older generation?

2019-01-10: Part 3 (Israel)
Do you think success lead to happiness?
Why are some people not happy after they accomplished something?
What is your idea of happiness and success?

2019-01-08: Part 1 (India)
How do you go to office? By bus or private vehicle?
How often do you use car?
Do you like to travel by car?
Are there a lot of traffic jams in the city?
Do you use public transport?
Should people use more public transport? Why?
When did you use taxi last time? Why?

2019-01-08: Part 1 (India)
How many seasons are there in your place?
Do you prefer wet season?
How often does it rain at your place?
What is your favourite season and why?
Which weather do you like the most?
Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather? Why?
Do you prefer to stay in dry or rainy weather? Why?
Where would you like to live, in a place with same weather or different types of weathers?

2019-01-08: Part 1 (India)
Do you like cooking?
Why do some people enjoy cooking?
When was the last time you cooked?
When did you eat a tasty food last time?
Do you prefer eating home or going to restaurants? Why?
What meal do people prefer in your country? Why?
When did you last cook for your family and what was it?
Why did you choose to cook this particular dish?

2019-01-08: Part 2 (India)
Describer a subject you didn’t like at school, but you are interested in now.

You should say:
which subject it is
how long you studied that subject
why you didn’t like it before
why you are interested in now

2019-01-08: Part 2 (India)
Describe a time you had to search for information.

You should say:
what the information was
where you got this information
what you did with this information.

2019-01-08: Part 2 (India)
Talk about your classmate or colleague who influenced you the most.

You should say:
who the person is
how you met the person
what the person did
why you felt that the person influenced you.

2019-01-08: Part 2 (India)
Describer an occasion when someone didn’t tell you the truth.

You should say:
when it happened
what the truth was
how you found the person the person didn't tell you the truth
how you felt after it

2019-01-08: Part 3 (India)
Who can help students to choose interesting subject, parents, or teachers? Why?
Who is responsible for good study, parents, or teachers? Why?
Is it good to use computer for study? Why?
How does technology help people to get information?
How does technology change in recent ten years?
Getting information from internet and getting information from old age people, which one is better?

2019-01-08: Part 3 (India)
How long did it take to search the information formation?
Do people these days rely on books or the on internet to find information?
Can a personal diary be used to for obtaining proper history information?
How often do you use the dictionary and why?
What type of information will historians rely on for interpreting the 21st century?


All these questions were submitted by candidates who have done the exam.

2019-01-12: Part 1 (USA)
How often do you listen to music?
What type of music do you like? Why?
Have you gone to/watched a live music concert?
Do you play musical instruments?
Do you download music from website or buying a CD? Why?
Do you think your taste in music will change in future? Why?
What are differences between traditional and modern music

2019-01-12: Part 2 (India)
Describe a indoor or outdoor place where you do study in.

You should say:
where it is
how you found that place
why you like that place.
Do you still like to go to there to study?

2019-01-12: Part 2 (USA)
Describe a family business that you know.

You should say:
how it started
how it’s going on
Do you find any future of such business?

2019-01-12: Part 2
Describe a thing someone had lost and you found it.

You should say:
what it is
how you found it
what you did when you found it.

2019-01-12: Part 2 (Saudi Arabia)
Talk about a place in your country which you found interesting.

You should say:
what that place is place
how you knew about that part
Why you find it interesting
What do you expect to see or do there?
Will you recommend this place to your friends?

2019-01-12: Part 3 (India)
What are the factors affecting a person’s studies?
Do you think surroundings affect studies?
How to improve the focus in study?
Is it difficult read with friends? Why?
Tell me the advantages and disadvantages of group study.
Which way do you prefer to study? Class room or online?
Which place is most suitable for study? Why?
Nowadays, people don’t study for their personal interest. Why is it so?
How important it is to study with personal interest?

2019-01-12: Part 3 (USA)
What are the differences between small and large businesses?
Do you think it is better to work with a small business company or a big company? Why?
Don't you think there is a lot of learning experience with smaller companies?
How should small companies work their way towards success?
Is it better for companies to expand internationally? What are the benefits and disadvantages?
Should the government restrict the international expansion of companies?
How will it effect the local economy?
What do you think will happen if multi-national company exit the country?

2019-01-12: Part 3 (Saudi Arabia)
Is this place in a city or rural area?
What are the differences between city and rural life?
What are the differences of people in city and rural area?

2019-01-11: Part 1 (India)
Do you use email or letters? Why?
Do you write a lot of letters or cards?
Do you send postcards and letters these days?
Do you prefer to have email or a card for you birthday? Why?
Do you think in the future email will replace letter?

Describe a healthy lifestyle you know.

You should say:
what it is
how you know it
what one would do to live this healthy lifestyle
and explain why it is healthy

2019-01-11: Part 2
Describe a party that you joined.

You should say:
when it took place
where the party was held
what you did there
and how you felt about the party.

2019-01-11: Part 3 (India)
Do people more concern about health in your country now? Why?
Do you think people pay enough attention to their health these days?
Do you think male and female use same fitness options?
Do you think there are more unhealthy people these days than there were decades ago? Why?
What is the role of government with responsible for public health?
How will government identify individuals who are not healthy? How can they help them?
How could parents encourage their children to be healthier?

2019-01-11: Part 3
Do you think weddings in your countries are wasting too much money?
Nowadays are parties and events more as compare to earlier?
Do people in your country visit their friends and relatives on getting invitations? Why?
Do people in your country prefer to visit their friends and relatives on weekends or any day?
Do you think people in past have more leisure time than these days?
Do you think people should be a balance between work and life?

2019-01-10: Part 1
Do you like watching stars?
Have you studied anything about stars and planets in your school?
Do you like watching at the stars in the daytime or at night time?
Is there any place where you live you can watch stars?

2019-01-10: Part 2
Describe an activity you enjoy doing when you are alone.

You should say:
what the activity is
how often do you do it
where and how you do it
and explain why you like to do this activity.

Thursday, January 3, 2019


In many countries today, parents are able to choose to send their children to single-sex schools or co-educational schools. Some people think that children going to single-sex schools have disadvantages in life.

In most parts of the world, guardians are given the freedom to choose similar gender schools or mixed gender schools to send their children. It is considered by most that, students who study at similar gender schools will have a negative effect on life. In my opinion, there will be a considerable disadvantage on the children who visited similar-gender schools compared to the mixed gender schools.

Firstly, similar sex schools will have a lot of advantages for children since everyone around will be of the similar sex and the exchange of information between each other will be easy. Working with each other will be a positive factor when considering the long run and communication will always happen well with each other. But, considering from another angle, there can be negative effects as well. Children in similar gender schools will little exposure to the other gender which sometime will have an impact on their development. These children might build up a fear of approaching the other gender when grown up or facing life.

Secondly, mix gender schools will always have a lot of advantages considered to the disadvantages they can have. Children will be more straight forward and confident about themselves since they are used to be with both the similar and opposite gender. Working with the opposite gender will make children more straightforward with them and reduce the fear of approaching them. Getting involved in un necessary relationships can be considered something negative during the school days since children will be distracted from studies and family.

In conclusion, mix gender schools and single gender schools will have their own advantages and disadvantages compared to different social and mental factors. In my opinion, it is always good to get to know the opposite gender and to work with both the genders since it will have a positive impact on the development of an individual and can help them in the future.


Some people think that it would be better for large companies and industry to move to regional areas outside large urban centers. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Most individuals consider that it is a good option for huge business organizations and manufacturing firms to relocate in suburbs separating from developed city areas. There are advantages as well as disadvantages considering the above statement.

On one hand, there are advantages when moving large industries into the country side, such as preventing congestion in city road and avenues. Also, the fact that cities areas are already covered in smoke and polluted air, the establishment of industries will increase this level more making the situation worse.

On the other hand, this process will have a negative impact on the regional areas which must be considered beforehand. Large industries and business organizations will produce a lot of harmful waste materials that can influence the air and water.  This will directly affect the natural habitats of the country side which are an important aspect.

On one hand, the movement of these industrial organizations can have a great advantage on the people living in within the areas. More job opportunities will be created with the advent of these organizations which will be a turning point for the people living in that area.

In conclusion, we must agree that there are advantages and disadvantages of the movement of these industries to cities as well as the country side which can have an effect on the areas as well as the people living within in the area.


These days many children spend a great deal of time sitting in front of a television. Some people believe that parents should strictly limit the time that children spend watching TV as it is harmful to their development.
what extent do you agree or disagree?

Kids spend a great deal of time watching television these days and it is considered by many that this is injurious to health and so must be controlled. According to my opinion there are different effects in the excessive use of television and it is better to have a controlled use.

On one hand, televisions provide a lot of fun and educational programs to children which are very effective since they are presented in an interesting manner.  Considering its effectiveness, children will always remember their fun facts tough on television which will be useful. Televisions also telecast a great deal of cartoons and movies which allow children to spend their leisure time with fun and happiness.

On the other hand, televisions also have a lot of content which can have a negative impact on themselves, physically and mentally. Teledramas and films which can influence children in a negative manner will not be very good for children. If children are addicted to such content on television, their mindset will be influenced to act like in the manner they have seen on television. If not guided by a guardian, it is not recommended for children to spend a lot of time on the TV.

According to my opinion, children should not be allowed to spend a lot of time on the television snice it will affect their educational activities as well as their development. And it is always cautious for an adult to accompany their children meanwhile.

In conclusion, televisions have a great deal of information and lessons that children can learn from and at the same time, help them in their development. Is it always important for adults to guide their children when using the television.


It is becoming increasingly popular to have a year between finishing school and going to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

The popularity of a year’s break taken before the start of university life after school is in the rise. This essay will consider the advantages and the disadvantages of this process and how it has an effect on the students.

On one hand, students will expose to a lot of social and cultural experience during the one year’s break before beginning their university. This can have a drastic effect on the students life since it will be a helping hand when it comes to handling and facing the future. During this period of time, students will learn to live on their own since most of them will get involved in work while also trying to explore the world which can be considered advantages.

On the other hand, students might lose tract with their studies and study routines which can be considered a disadvantage. Within this one year’s time, students will be exposed to various activities which might sometimes make them think twice before going to university. Because of this reason, there will be students who will drop out of studies.

Considering from a different point of view, it can also be considered that, students have time to think of what they are going to be doing in the future. According what they dream about, students can either go to university or follow other various paths which might direct them to success.

In conclusion, from different points of view, these advantages and disadvantages can differ. For some the years break will distract the students from studies while for other it will be an eye opener for them to consider about the future and get involved in what they love.


Children below the age of 16 should not be allowed in public places after midnight unless they are accompanied by an adult who is responsible for them. How far do you agree with the suggestion?

This essay will discuss the importance of whether it is required for a minor under the age of 16 to be guided by a person in charge, in public places during midnight. According to my opinion, I strongly feel that they should not be allowed unless in an emergency situation.

The first thing to consider at midnight is that it is far more different than what it is during the day time.  Midnight is not considered a suitable time for children since the streets are filled with criminals, drug addicts and thieves. The probability of a child to get into danger, kidnapped or even forced to use drugs is high at this time of the day. So, it is strictly important that a child under the age of 16 must be accompanies by a guardian.

Another thing to consider is the fact that, for children under 16, going out late after midnight will have a problem when it comes to going to school next day or getting up early on the next day. For a child of that age, it is always important to have a considerable amount of time for their sleep since it is always important to carry on with their school work and studies.

However, on a rare occasion, a child will have a need to go out to a nearby hospital or police station in an emergency situation with the guide of an adult. This is totally acceptable since it is an important requirement.

In conclusion, I agree the fact that children must not be allowed in common places after 12.00 at night unless guided by a guardian or in an emergency situation.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019


News plays an Important part in most people’s lives. Why is news so important to people? Why is so much news dedicated to bad news? Should the news focus on good news instead?

The news is considered by many people to be the important thing that could influence their lives. This essay will first describe why bad news dominates the headlines and it will then address the questions of whether news-gatherers should aim more on good news or not.

Reading news in the morning brings information of current events to a lot of people and it could affect how we live, such as whether we decide to bring umbrella or not or economic recession that could have an impact on our job performance. Furthermore, people like to hear about politics issue especially on election day. People determined their choice that is important to the future from what they gain in news broadcasts.

However, news broadcasts concentrate so much on negative news and depressing events. These cause users paying more attention to terrible events. This shown by a tricky survey that ran in Canada without known by the participants. As the result, all of the contributors often choose stories with a negative tone, because it could be a signal for them to avoid danger.

On the other hand, too much listening to bad news also has the drawback. It could reduce people ‘s trust to the government, even the nation could be divided. That is why people need to hear positive stories namely people’s achievements. It would give the citizens positive energy and they would act positively such as being happy and optimistic that can spread to other people.

All in all, things change in the world constantly, that is why news is necessary. And people need to make time for reading or watching the news but remain balancing what they get between positive and negative news.


In many developing countries, there is a problem with declining quality of air and water from both industrial and construction. What measures could be taken to prevent this?

Air and water are indispensable for the very existence of life. As these resources are polluted by various types of industries and construction, it severely affects the people and the environment. Therefore, preventive measures should be taken to stop / arrest further contamination of air and water.

One of the reasons for water pollution is the expulsion of / the dumping of enormous amount of industrial waste into rivers and lakes. Air is contaminated by fumes from factories. In order to prevent these issues, it is important to invent an innovative method to treat trash/rubbish. Respective authorities should launch new projects which focus mainly on the purification process of natural resources and the protection of environment. For example, Israel has recently developed an impeccable system which purifies sea water and it has been presented to Indian government. In other words, people should think about how they can keep air and water pure, instead of polluting those resources and causing detrimental effects on health.

Furthermore, stringent guidelines should be provided to the factories to deter them from polluting. The government should take punitive actions against the organizations which indulge in water and air contamination. For instance, those industries which cause harm to these essential resources should have their license cancelled / revoked. This, in turn, will help to prevent / stop other people from involving in similar activity. In short, each industry should rationally think about how their business is negatively affecting the environment and carry out their functions adhering to the government rules.

To conclude, modern technologies and strict functioning rules are necessary to prevent the declining quality of air and water. If industries and construction take / adopt / adheres to such precautionary measures, people will definitely have healthier surroundings.


All parents want the best opportunity for their children. There are some people who think that schools should teach children skills but others think having a range of subjects is better for the children’s future. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

It is a widely held belief that parent should teach the children how to be good members of the society but there is a strong counter-argument amongst sections of people that school is the right place to teach children. However, I am of the opinion that this is a matter to be debated in the light of several factors before any conclusion can be drawn.

It is generally believed that parents should guide the children how to deal with the society. This is mainly because children will obey the words of parents rather than the teachers. In many books, we can see that parents are the first teachers. Parents should teach basic qualities like respect, obedience, honesty. Parents should teach those qualities at an early age so that their children can imbibe these qualities into them. For instance, my uncle’s daughter is just studying 5th class, but she respects the elderly people. Since their parents taught her the qualities which she must inculcate in her.

The education starts at home and the things learned from early childhood become part of someone's personality and characteristics. Hence, the things kids learn from their parents have a lasting impression on people. So parents should be careful about teaching their kids the moral values and responsibilities to the society.   Children by nature mimic their family members and thus parents can teach their kids how to be good members of the society by performing their duties correctly. Most children obey their parents more than anyone else and the instructions the parents give thus have better chances to be obeyed by children. Not all parents can spend sufficient time with children because of their ever-increasing business outside of homes and for those students teachers play an important role. Some students listen to the teachers they like and follow their instructions like written laws. Thus teachers can contribute towards teaching the morality and responsibilities to the children.

On the other hand, there are certain groups of people who vehemently contend that school is the right place to learn how to be good members of the society. One of the reasons why this view is held is that nowadays children are not having sufficient time to spend with their parents because both of the parents might be employed or they may keep their child in a hostel. In school children will learn the education. The school must also include these qualities as a part of course structure so that the child may follow them.

Thus, it is evident from all discussion that, both the arguments carry equal strength and significance and neither can be refuted outright. I personally subscribe to the proposition that, school is the right place to learn how to be good members of the society. 


Some people think that environmental problems should be solved on a global scale while others believe it is better to deal with them nationally. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Nowadays, environment has become one of the most serious problems that humans have to deal with. However, there are many opinions about who would be responsible for this. Some people hold the idea that environment-related problems should be handled on a global scale while others suppose it is better if each nation is in charge of it.

To begin with, there are some certain reasons for people to give hand in protecting the environment. Firstly, this is the problem of mankind. We all lives on Earth and breathes the same atmosphere. Therefore, anything that could possibly do harm to the common living environment is worth thorough consideration. Secondly, the majority definitely can create much more stronger effects on environmental protection. In fact, campaigns that are held in global scale such as protection of wild animals have created many efficient waves and helped modify people's behaviours to wild creatures.

On the other hand, handling with environmental issues nationally does have its own power. One of the key advantages here is efficiency. Authorities of a nation could control the environmental prevention status effectively by laws. For instance, Vietnamese government has passed the Law on forest protection and development in 2014 to deal with the accumulation of deforestation in recent years. Besides, it can be easily seen from the fact that each country has different environmental issues, so it would be more reasonable to tackle them separately. Nowadays, some countries such as China and India suffer from severe pollution while others in Africa have to deal with animal extinction, and it is obvious that each problem needs particular solutions.

From my point of view, the action of authorities in each country is a more important element in environmental protection. Although raising the conception in people all over the world is necessary, people are unlikely to take real actions without their government's enforcement policies.


With the increasing global demand in oil and gas, undiscovered areas of the world should be opened up to access more resources. To what extent do you agree?

Fossil fuel consumption is increasing globally. Therefore, some people feel that excavation of fuel should be permitted in unexplored areas. I don’t support this.  In my opinion, our world can’t handle any more pollution and diseases. So, searching for other cleaner sources of power is more vital and crucial.

A good reason protect unexplored lands is that the current oil and gas usage increases global warming. In other words, global temperatures are rising gradually due to the excessive use of fossil fuel. As a result, mankind faces the threat of extinction. Moreover, if we do not stop the exploitation of our natural resources, the green areas that form the lungs of our earth will shrink even further. This will also affect our health. In addition to that, diseases will spread more quickly and affect more people because of the emission of poisonous gases and other contaminants from factories. Another point to consider is that undiscovered land should be protected from industrial activities.

As we can see, excessive dependence on fossil fuels is causing serious damage to our planet. Developing green power technologies is the only solution to this problem. These technologies can also decrease the negative effects of contaminated vapors and gases produced by the overuse of fossil fuel. For instance, in Germany almost all car factories run on green power. Such technologies maintain better environmental conditions and in the long term they will also prove to be cheaper than conventional sources. This, in turn, will reduce the cost of manufacturing and make goods and products cheaper and more affordable.

In conclusion, fossil fuels are useful; however, they also have negative impacts on the environment. Therefore, I am convinced that instead of exploring undiscovered lands for more oil and gas, we should invest in green power technologies.


“Prevention is better than cure”. Researching and treating diseases is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventive measures. To what extent do you agree?

Today medical research and treatment is so costly that often people strongly suggest that we should prevent these diseases from occurring instead of treating them after happening. Up to certain extent I agree with the above view but also think that we should continue our medical research to tackle some new diseases that have no treatments yet.

To begin with, it is not at all possible to prevent all diseases. Some of the developed countries are still suffering from poverty and often people eat unhygienic food so there are more chances of sickness among them. It is almost impossible task for any country to completely prevent these diseases. As a result, it would be always beneficial to treat them and do some research so that we can at least have some valid method and treatment for each and every illness. One best example of this is recently happened Ebola outbreak in Africa. No one had ever imagined it and it was quickly spread to some of the African countries. If we had proper research and treatment of this disease then we could save thousands of lives. So we should invest our time and money in the medical research and treatments to tackle such life threatening illnesses.

On the other side, we should also take necessary steps to prevent these diseases. We all know that, today medical treatment cost is so high that even middle class person cannot afford it. Furthermore, some diseases progress to other people using various medium and as a result it is really hard to stop them. Apart from this, by preventing diseases, we can save people from severe experiences of these diseases. One of the best examples of how we can prevent diseases is Polio. By proper, systematic, and well-defined plan, now most of the countries of the world become Polio free. Even India and China who are the world’s most populous nations also have got success on it.

In conclusion, medical research on diseases and preventing them to occur, both have equal importance and we should equally focus on both areas to make our lives healthier, livable and enjoyable.


Completing university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a good job. On the other hand, other people think that getting experience and developing soft skills is more important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Most people consider university education as an excellent opportunity in securing a better job while others consider practices and experience is much more important comparatively. In my opinion, University education will be very helpful when it comes to academic jobs, but for jobs involved in creativity and personal effort, soft skills and experience will be a helping hand.

On one hand, university education can be a helpful hand for applicants looking for a more academic job which involves a lot of theories and logic. With the advancement of technology and the requirement for change in different organizational and business processes, recrements are done to cater their high demand. So, for students who are aiming for a good job position, tertiary education will be an added advantage.

On the other hand, the requirement for experienced workers are also in the rise. Soft skills and experience is considered something that is lacking in most of the fresh applicants, which is why most companies also consider experience and soft skills. Soft Skills are also a requirement when building your own business or reputation. Soft skills are a ladder to successful people.

In my opinion, university education as well as skills and experience is considered a requirement depending on the job applied. Therefor the requirement of the company that is recruiting will influence the applicants selected. People also have a lot of different tastes, some like to work in more advanced positions while others like to get into more managerial and] people involved positions. So, at the end of the day, different people will have different tastes


The growing number of overweight people is putting a strain on the health care system in an effort to deal with the health issues involved. Some people think that the best way to deal with this problem is to introduce more physical education lessons in the school curriculum. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Due to the force generated from an increasing number of overweight people on the healthcare sector, it is commonly believed that, regular exercise and exercise curriculum in schools can solve the issue. In my opinion, I completely agree that this is the best way to tackle the causes of obesity and weight problems.

The best approach to dealing with obesity and weight problems is the implementation of long term sports and exercises in schools. By this way, the next generation will be more into exercise, physical health activities and sports which will prevent them from taking the same path as their elders. Considering the current statistics in schools, physical education and practice is done in a minor scale which is not enough to achieve this target.  However, by incorporating more sports and physical activities in schools and at the mean time encouraging student to participate in extracurricular sports activities will help achieve the goal. The increasing number of overweigh people

Including more spots activities for children in schools will increase the change of developing more interests on exercise and sports activities which will also have an effect on the family members of those children. In other words parents with children who are involved in sports are more likely to get involved in sports in a way to encourage their students. This is an effective and efficient way to improve public health.

In conclusion. To deal with an increasing population of unfit and overweight people, changing the lifestyle of the coming generation by coming generation by introducing sport in schools is the easiest and most effective to use.



·         You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
·         You have recently started work in a new company.
·         Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In your letter,
·         explain why you changed jobs
·         describe your new job
·         tell him / her your other news
·         Write at least 150 words.
·         You do NOT need to write any address.
·         Begin your letter as follows:
·         Dear __________,

Dear Eva,

How are you? I hope you've been well. Sorry for having been out of touch for a short while. There have been some changes in my life and I wanted to let you know the latest from my side.

The big news is that I have finally changed my job! Do you remember when you were here on holiday, I always talked about how I hated my boring bank job? Well, it was clear I needed a change. So, finally, I took a part-time TESL course and trained to be an ESL teacher. Now I'm working full-time in a private language school. I teach General English, Business English and IELTS. Each day, I look forward to going to work. My students come from all over the world and I love teaching them as well as learning from them.

Aside from that, I also moved to a new apartment near the school where I work. It's small, but downtown, so I am right in the heart of the city, instead of way out in the suburbs. Suddenly, there's so many fun things to do, in the evenings too. I am a much happier person today because of these recent changes.

So, how about you? I hope you'll have a chance to visit Canada again soon. In the meantime, please write and let me know what's new with you.
Warm wishes, 
Allen, (226 words)



·         You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
·         Last month you had a holiday overseas where you stayed with some friends. They have just sent you some photos of your holiday.
·         Write a letter to your friends. In your letter:
·         thank them for the photos and for the holiday
·         explain why you didn't write earlier
·         invite them to come and stay with you
·         Write at least 150 words.
·         You do NOT need to write any address.
·         Begin your letter as follows:
·         Dear __________

Dear liyan and chal,

Thanks so much for your kind letter and the lovely photos of my holiday in Mumbai. Sorry for the delay in acknowledging your mail, but your package arrived just as I was about to leave town on a business trip. I've just returned to Toronto today.

Looking at the photos brings back so many happy memories of the times we spent together and the wonderful hospitality you extended to me. I felt completely pampered by both of you! You surrounded me with warm friends, good food, amazing sights, great shopping, unforgettable cultural events and laughter-filled evenings. I would have been lost without you. I can't thank you enough.

These good memories gave me an idea. I know you've always wanted to visit Canada. Why don't you plan a holiday and stay with me this summer? The weather is great at that time of year, all tourist sites are open and I could take two weeks off from work. Aside from seeing Toronto, we could drive to Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec City. I would be thrilled if you could make it.

Thank you both again for the beautiful holiday and the photos which are already up on my wall. Now, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Warm wishes,
(216 words)



  • ·         You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
  • ·         You have been living in a rental apartment for the past year. Recently a new neighbour moved in and has been making a lot of noise, which disturbs you.
  • ·         Write a letter to the landlord. In your letter:
  • ·         explain the situation
  • ·         describe why it bothers you
  • ·         suggest a solution
  • ·         Write at least 150 words.
  • ·         You do NOT need to write any address.
  • ·         Begin your letter as follows:
  • ·         Dear __________

Dear Mr Amali,

I hope you and your family are all well. I am writing in connection with a problem I have with the new tenant, Jack, who has moved in downstairs. Unfortunately, his habits and needs appear to be quite different from my own.

The issue is that Jack is a professional musician who plays his electric guitar late into the night. I understand he is in a band and needs to practice; however, I think he cannot do so in a residential building such as ours. As I mentioned to you when I signed the lease to the apartment, I am a full-time writer who works from home. For me, it is essential to have silence so I can concentrate on my work. With Jack playing at all hours, I have been unable to get any of my writing done, except when he is out. In some cases, I have even been forced to leave the apartment and work at a nearby coffee shop or library as the guitar playing was causing such a disturbance.

I would appreciate it if you could speak to Jack and ask him to turn down the volume on his guitar or else to use headphones. I have spoken to him about it, but to no avail. I will let you know as soon as the situation improves.

Thank you kindly in advance and please give my best regards to your family,
Yours sincerely, 
Amali Fdo.
(234 words)



  • ·         You are going on a short training course at a college in Sydney, Australia. You need somewhere to live while you are there.
  • ·         Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college. In your letter:
  • ·         Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college. In your letter:
  • ·         explain your situation
  • ·         describe the accommodation you require
  • ·         say when you will need it
  • ·         Write at least 150 words.
  • ·         You do NOT need to write any address.
  • ·         Begin your letter as follows:
  • ·         Dear __________

Dear Mrs Chanaka,

I am writing in connection with my upcoming training course at your college in Sydney, Australia. I will be there to attend the Brain- Based Learning program at Victoria College for a period of three weeks from July 2st to July 22st, 2010. I am hoping that you will be able to assist me with my accommodation arrangements.

As I am slightly older than most of the other participants, I would appreciate it if you could find a private studio apartment for me, close to the college. It would be ideal if I could walk to school each day, but if not, I would need access to public transportation. I understand some of the events on campus finish quite late so I would prefer not to walk in an unfamiliar neighborhood after dark. In terms of the apartment, all I require is a bed, a desk, a TV, an Internet connection, a kitchen and a bathroom. My budget is around US $1000 for 3 weeks.

As I will be arriving on July 1st, I would need the apartment to be available from that night until the day of my departure, which is July 23rd. My last night in the apartment would be July 22nd.

Please let me know if you are able to find such an apartment and if not, please suggest other suitable arrangements. I look forward to hearing from you, 
Yours sincerely, 
Amila Perera.
 (236 words)



  • ·         You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
  • ·         You are applying for a job and need a letter of reference from someone who knew you when you were at school.
  • ·         Write a letter to one of your old teachers asking for a reference. In your letter:
  • ·         say what job you have applied for
  • ·         explain why you want this job
  • ·         suggest what information the teacher should include
  • ·         Write at least 150 words.
  • ·         Begin your letter as follows:
  • ·         Dear __________

Dear Mrs Sweeney

How are you? I hope everything is fine at the school and that you have been well. I still remember the dynamic way in which you taught grammar to me and all of the teacher trainees in your English class. Thanks again for those important lessons.

I am writing in connection with a letter of reference that I need for a job that I have applied for recently. As I am due to graduate next month, I have applied for a position as an ESL teacher at a private language school in Tokyo, Japan. You might remember my telling you how very much I looked forward to teaching and traveling around the world. Now I have the chance. I am confident that I can make a difference in the lives of students who need to learn English.

In the letter of reference, I would appreciate it if you could include information related to my trustworthiness, my enthusiasm and my cross-cultural awareness while in teacher training college. As the job is in Japan, they do not have the chance to interview me and will base their decision largely on my letters of reference. I would need to have the letter in two weeks, by July 1st.

Thank you kindly in advance, 
Yours sincerely, 
Chanaka Amal.
(217 Words)