Thursday, January 3, 2019


Children below the age of 16 should not be allowed in public places after midnight unless they are accompanied by an adult who is responsible for them. How far do you agree with the suggestion?

This essay will discuss the importance of whether it is required for a minor under the age of 16 to be guided by a person in charge, in public places during midnight. According to my opinion, I strongly feel that they should not be allowed unless in an emergency situation.

The first thing to consider at midnight is that it is far more different than what it is during the day time.  Midnight is not considered a suitable time for children since the streets are filled with criminals, drug addicts and thieves. The probability of a child to get into danger, kidnapped or even forced to use drugs is high at this time of the day. So, it is strictly important that a child under the age of 16 must be accompanies by a guardian.

Another thing to consider is the fact that, for children under 16, going out late after midnight will have a problem when it comes to going to school next day or getting up early on the next day. For a child of that age, it is always important to have a considerable amount of time for their sleep since it is always important to carry on with their school work and studies.

However, on a rare occasion, a child will have a need to go out to a nearby hospital or police station in an emergency situation with the guide of an adult. This is totally acceptable since it is an important requirement.

In conclusion, I agree the fact that children must not be allowed in common places after 12.00 at night unless guided by a guardian or in an emergency situation.

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