Thursday, January 3, 2019


In many countries today, parents are able to choose to send their children to single-sex schools or co-educational schools. Some people think that children going to single-sex schools have disadvantages in life.

In most parts of the world, guardians are given the freedom to choose similar gender schools or mixed gender schools to send their children. It is considered by most that, students who study at similar gender schools will have a negative effect on life. In my opinion, there will be a considerable disadvantage on the children who visited similar-gender schools compared to the mixed gender schools.

Firstly, similar sex schools will have a lot of advantages for children since everyone around will be of the similar sex and the exchange of information between each other will be easy. Working with each other will be a positive factor when considering the long run and communication will always happen well with each other. But, considering from another angle, there can be negative effects as well. Children in similar gender schools will little exposure to the other gender which sometime will have an impact on their development. These children might build up a fear of approaching the other gender when grown up or facing life.

Secondly, mix gender schools will always have a lot of advantages considered to the disadvantages they can have. Children will be more straight forward and confident about themselves since they are used to be with both the similar and opposite gender. Working with the opposite gender will make children more straightforward with them and reduce the fear of approaching them. Getting involved in un necessary relationships can be considered something negative during the school days since children will be distracted from studies and family.

In conclusion, mix gender schools and single gender schools will have their own advantages and disadvantages compared to different social and mental factors. In my opinion, it is always good to get to know the opposite gender and to work with both the genders since it will have a positive impact on the development of an individual and can help them in the future.

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