Wednesday, January 2, 2019


All parents want the best opportunity for their children. There are some people who think that schools should teach children skills but others think having a range of subjects is better for the children’s future. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

It is a widely held belief that parent should teach the children how to be good members of the society but there is a strong counter-argument amongst sections of people that school is the right place to teach children. However, I am of the opinion that this is a matter to be debated in the light of several factors before any conclusion can be drawn.

It is generally believed that parents should guide the children how to deal with the society. This is mainly because children will obey the words of parents rather than the teachers. In many books, we can see that parents are the first teachers. Parents should teach basic qualities like respect, obedience, honesty. Parents should teach those qualities at an early age so that their children can imbibe these qualities into them. For instance, my uncle’s daughter is just studying 5th class, but she respects the elderly people. Since their parents taught her the qualities which she must inculcate in her.

The education starts at home and the things learned from early childhood become part of someone's personality and characteristics. Hence, the things kids learn from their parents have a lasting impression on people. So parents should be careful about teaching their kids the moral values and responsibilities to the society.   Children by nature mimic their family members and thus parents can teach their kids how to be good members of the society by performing their duties correctly. Most children obey their parents more than anyone else and the instructions the parents give thus have better chances to be obeyed by children. Not all parents can spend sufficient time with children because of their ever-increasing business outside of homes and for those students teachers play an important role. Some students listen to the teachers they like and follow their instructions like written laws. Thus teachers can contribute towards teaching the morality and responsibilities to the children.

On the other hand, there are certain groups of people who vehemently contend that school is the right place to learn how to be good members of the society. One of the reasons why this view is held is that nowadays children are not having sufficient time to spend with their parents because both of the parents might be employed or they may keep their child in a hostel. In school children will learn the education. The school must also include these qualities as a part of course structure so that the child may follow them.

Thus, it is evident from all discussion that, both the arguments carry equal strength and significance and neither can be refuted outright. I personally subscribe to the proposition that, school is the right place to learn how to be good members of the society. 

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