Thursday, January 3, 2019


Some people think that it would be better for large companies and industry to move to regional areas outside large urban centers. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Most individuals consider that it is a good option for huge business organizations and manufacturing firms to relocate in suburbs separating from developed city areas. There are advantages as well as disadvantages considering the above statement.

On one hand, there are advantages when moving large industries into the country side, such as preventing congestion in city road and avenues. Also, the fact that cities areas are already covered in smoke and polluted air, the establishment of industries will increase this level more making the situation worse.

On the other hand, this process will have a negative impact on the regional areas which must be considered beforehand. Large industries and business organizations will produce a lot of harmful waste materials that can influence the air and water.  This will directly affect the natural habitats of the country side which are an important aspect.

On one hand, the movement of these industrial organizations can have a great advantage on the people living in within the areas. More job opportunities will be created with the advent of these organizations which will be a turning point for the people living in that area.

In conclusion, we must agree that there are advantages and disadvantages of the movement of these industries to cities as well as the country side which can have an effect on the areas as well as the people living within in the area.

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