Wednesday, January 2, 2019


“Prevention is better than cure”. Researching and treating diseases is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventive measures. To what extent do you agree?

Today medical research and treatment is so costly that often people strongly suggest that we should prevent these diseases from occurring instead of treating them after happening. Up to certain extent I agree with the above view but also think that we should continue our medical research to tackle some new diseases that have no treatments yet.

To begin with, it is not at all possible to prevent all diseases. Some of the developed countries are still suffering from poverty and often people eat unhygienic food so there are more chances of sickness among them. It is almost impossible task for any country to completely prevent these diseases. As a result, it would be always beneficial to treat them and do some research so that we can at least have some valid method and treatment for each and every illness. One best example of this is recently happened Ebola outbreak in Africa. No one had ever imagined it and it was quickly spread to some of the African countries. If we had proper research and treatment of this disease then we could save thousands of lives. So we should invest our time and money in the medical research and treatments to tackle such life threatening illnesses.

On the other side, we should also take necessary steps to prevent these diseases. We all know that, today medical treatment cost is so high that even middle class person cannot afford it. Furthermore, some diseases progress to other people using various medium and as a result it is really hard to stop them. Apart from this, by preventing diseases, we can save people from severe experiences of these diseases. One of the best examples of how we can prevent diseases is Polio. By proper, systematic, and well-defined plan, now most of the countries of the world become Polio free. Even India and China who are the world’s most populous nations also have got success on it.

In conclusion, medical research on diseases and preventing them to occur, both have equal importance and we should equally focus on both areas to make our lives healthier, livable and enjoyable.

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